
Your Personalized AI Script Writer for YouTube

We research and create a script that matches your unique style in just 5 minutes

We've saved creators 400+ days of scripting and $17,000 in scriptwriting costs.

Research, Outline and Script in minutes with our AI script writer

Forget spending endless hours on research and drafting.

  • We do the research for you

    Our AI script writer gathers relevant information from the web, with in depth evidence and links.

  • Create your own video outline

    Based on the research, we generate a video outline, which you can easily edit to match your approach.

  • Personalized scripts that mirror your unique style

    We analyze your past YouTube videos to create scripts that fit your language and storytelling style.

AI Script writer Script writer AI Script writer for YouTube
Our AI script writer for YouTube helps you get your first draft in 5 minutes!